#AOM2024 CTO Award Winners were announced during the Annual Business Meeting
Congratulations go to:
CTO Lifetime Service Award
Dr Kathy Chudoba, Emerita Professor Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University
CTO Past Division Chair (A BIG Thank you Marco!)
Marco Marabelli, Bentley University
Best Published Paper Award:
Tawfiq Alashoor, Mark Keil, H. Jeff Smith & Allen R. McConnell: Too Tired and in Too Good of a Mood to Worry About Privacy: Explaining the Privacy Paradox Through the Lens of Effort Level in Information Processing (Information Systems Research, 2023, Vol. 34, No. 4)
Yoonseock Son, Wonseok Oh & Il Im: The Voice of Commerce: How Smart Speakers Reshape Digital Content Consumption and Preferences (MIS Quarterly, 2023, Vol. 47, No. 2)
Amrit TIwana & Hani Safadi: Atrophy in Aging Systems: Evidence, Dynamics, and Antidote (Information Systems Research, 2023, Vol. 35, No. 1)
Best Division Paper Award:
Fuhe Jin, Mikiko Shimaoka, Tomomi Kito, Hiroki Sayama, Sheng-Bin Wang & Chou-Yu Tsai: Leader Emergence in the Digital Realm: Exploring Communication Dynamics via Machine Learning
Mengyue Su & Hao Ma: Artificial Stupidity and Coping Strategies
DeSanctis Award & Newman Award Nominee:
Jodie Koh, Northwestern University: Beyond Data Collection: Examining Artificial Intelligence Data Creation in Organizations
Best Division Paper Award and Dexter Award Nominee:
Victor Lee, Julian Lehmann, Heewon Chae, Donghyuk Shin, Seigyoung Auh & Sang-Pil Han: Threats or Opportunities? Enhancing Business Performance in the Era of Generative AI
CTO Best Student Paper Award:
- Seyed Mohamad Hosseinioun, Northwestern University (with Ali Tafti, U. of Illinois at Chicago): Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Firm Innovation Behavior
- Diego Gomez-Zara, University of Notre Dame: Assigning or Recommending You a Team? The Algorithmic Effects on Team Formation and Performance
Outstanding AE Awards 2023: -- Thank you to all 83 Associate Editors!
- Yasser Rahrovani, Ivy Business School, University of Western Ontario
Best Reviewer Awards 2024: -- Thank you to all 468 (of 501 signed up) reviewers!
- Gavin Wang, Naveen Jindal Schoom of Management, University of Texas, Dallas