#AOM2021 CTO Keynote

The complete list of the Keynote Speakers 2002-... can be foundĀ here
AOM 2021 Annual Meeting -- OCIS/CTO Plenary Session

OCIS / CTO Community thanks Prof. Dr. Melissa Mazmanian for her inspiring keynote speech on
"Temporal maps and mazes: The intricacies of work-time in a connected, tracked, and pandemic-infused world"
during the AOM Annual 2021 Meeting's OCIS Plenary Session.

The video of the keynote speech is available below. The synopsis of the keynote will be distributed later.

OCIS / CTO Division Plenary Session Chairs:
  • Marco Marabelli, Bentley University
  • Michael Barrett, U. of Cambridge
  • Kathy Chudoba, Utah State U.
  • Jennifer Gibbs, U. of California, Santa Barbara
  • Ola Henfridsson, U. of Miami