#AOM2021 CTO Highlighted Research

AOM 2021 Annual Meeting -- Paper Session:
Organizational and Social Applications of Artificial Intelligence

AI-based Argumentation Tutoring – A Novel System Class to Improve Learners’ Argumentation Skills
Author: Thiemo Wambsganss; U. of St.Gallen
Author: Andreas Janson; U. of St. Gallen
Author: Matthias Soellner; U. of Kassel
Author: Jan Marco Leimeister; U. of St. Gallen and U. of Kassel

Identity-Based Motivations for Providing the Unpaid Labor That Makes AI Technologies Work
OCIS Best Student Paper Award Finalist
Author: Camille Endacott; UC Santa Barbara
Author: Paul Leonardi; UC Santa Barbara

Dual Information Technology Strategy and Firm Performance: Insights from a Deep Learning Approach
Author: Yi Yang; The Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology
Author: Chewei Liu; Indiana U. - Kelley School of Business
Author: Sunil Mithas; U. of South Florida

I’m Not a “Chatbot”: An Empirical Investigation on Humanized Profiles on Social Media Platform
Author: Huai-Tzu Cheng; Louisiana State U.
Author: Yang Pan; Tulane U.
Author: Rudy Hirschheim; Louisiana State U.

AOM 2021 Annual Meeting -- Paper Session:
Virtual Teams: Opportunities and Challenges for Organizations and Organizing

Location-Independent Organizations: Designing Collaboration across Space and Time
OCIS Gerardine DeSanctis Dissertation Award
Author: Jennifer Rhymer; Stanford

Cultural Intelligence and Employee Engagement in Global Virtual Teams
Author: Farheen Fathima Shaik B; Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli
Author: Upam Pushpak Makhecha; Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli
Author: Sirish Gouda; Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli
Author: Biju Varkkey; Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

The Impact of Job Need for Human Proximity and Communication Technologies on Remote Work Efficacy
Author: Nikhil Madan; Indian School of Business
Author: Deepa Mani; Indian School of Business
Author: Madan M Pillutla; London Business School

Employee Mindset, HRM Misalignment, and Helplessness in Virtual Teams
Author: Sut I Wong; BI Norwegian Business School
Author: Elizabeth A. Solberg; Institute for Energy Technology
Author: Laura E. Mercer Traavik; Kristiania U. College