AOM 2022 Annual Meeting -- Best Student Paper:
Alan Zhang, MIT (with Wanda Orlikowski): Regenerative Coordination: Working with Algorithms to Produce Live Services
Alan, reflection on the project:
"As my first attempt at fieldwork, this study presented serious difficulties that, at the time, before taking any methods classes, I wasn’t even aware I was up against. Specifically, that I was studying a major company, one valued at several billion dollars whose work was so technically complicated and beyond my familiarity, and whose legal defenses kept it protected from media and most observers. In retrospect, I consider myself fortunate to have been clueless about this at the start, because it allowed me to go about my fieldwork relatively relaxed, at ease, and eager to learn everything I could, which made people at the company receptive to my presence. The lesson I took away from that experience is to remind myself, as often as I can, that the participants in my fieldwork are not by default as hostile or guarded as we scholars are trained to expect."