Communication, Digital Technology, and Organization CTO

AOM CTO Division Survey for 2023

  • 1.  AOM CTO Division Survey for 2023

    Posted 11-12-2023 10:04

    Dear AOM CTO DIvision Member,

    If you are a current (2023) member of the Academy of Management's CTO Division, you should have received an email on Friday from Michael Barrett with the annual survey.  If you did not see it, please check your spam folder.
    Please fill out the entire survey!  
    This year it is critical that we get a strong response rate. As of last count we only had 13% of division members and we need to bump that up. We really appreciate your help!
    Best Regards,
    Nick Berente
    CTO Division Chair-Elect

    Nicholas Berente
    University of Notre Dame
    Notre Dame IN