Communication, Digital Technology, and Organization CTO

AOM PDW: Resources, Capabilities, and Competitive Advantage in the Digital Era

  • 1.  AOM PDW: Resources, Capabilities, and Competitive Advantage in the Digital Era

    Posted 07-06-2022 12:37


    Resources, Capabilities, and Competitive Advantage in the Digital Era 


    Academy of Management PDW


    10:00AM - 12:30PM PT (UTC-7) on Saturday, Aug 6, 2022, at Seattle Convention Center in Room 4C2, In-person only

    Meeting web link:









    - Anparasan Mahalingam, University of Utah/ Syracuse University

    - Richard Makadok, Purdue University


    Part 1: Keynote Speakers

    - Ron Adner, Dartmouth College

    - Cameron Miller, Syracuse University

    - Arkadiy Sakhartov, University of Illinois 


    Part 2: Panel Discussion

    - Raphael Amit, University of Pennsylvania

    - Jay Barney, University of Utah

    - Constance Helfat, Dartmouth College

    - Anita McGahan, University of Toronto

    - Brian Wu, University of Michigan


    Part 3: Breakout Group Discussions (REQUIRES SEPARATE REGISTRATION)

    - The purpose of these breakout group discussions will be to brainstorm and refine ideas for future research projects relevant to the workshop topic.

    - Each breakout group will have several audience members, along with 1 or 2 of the panelists or speakers, who will facilitate the breakout group's discussion.

    - Any participant who would like to join the roundtable breakout sessions is invited in advance to complete the following online form with their name, title, institutional affiliation, and email address by Wednesday July 27 to: They can also choose to complete the optional question in the online form that articulates an idea for a research project on the topic of the workshop. It will help us to identify the suitable facilitator in the breakout discussion.


    In order to help to build a community of scholars interested in studying platform-based and digitally-enabled business models through the lens of classic core strategy questions, popular PDWs were organized at AOM 2020 and 2021 conferences (both with over 200 live participants, and the former with over 1600 YouTube views, the STR division's second most popular YouTube video). These two past PDWs used, respectively, corporate-level strategy and organization governance theories as lenses for understanding digital businesses. This year, as an extension of this series, we propose to examine digital businesses through a resource-based theoretical lens by considering the implications of digitization for theories of competitive advantage, and vice versa. We will focus on both how digitization broadens the application of existing theories, and how its novel features require changes to resource-based theory. We especially want to explore how these phenomena relate to emerging stakeholder-based theories on competitive advantage.


    Sponsored by STR, ENT, OMT, TIM, & CTO divisions



    Anparasan Mahalingam

    David Eccles School of Business

    University of Utah
