Communication, Digital Technology, and Organization CTO

invitation to register for the Changing Nature of Work (CNOW), a SIG-CNOW PRE-ICIS WORKSHOP

  • 1.  invitation to register for the Changing Nature of Work (CNOW), a SIG-CNOW PRE-ICIS WORKSHOP

    Posted 11-25-2023 23:42

    The 13th CNOW Workshop



    Virtual First Workshop
     You can use this link for registering for the workshop here
    Workshop fee is 15 dollars.  

    Time and Date: Saturday the 9th December, 13:30 PM - 19:30 PM (UTC +5,5)

    9:00-13:00 CET

    8:00-12:00 GMT


    13:30 – 13:45 intro by Organizers

    13:45 – 14:45 Keynote by
    Malar Hirudayaraj, Associate Professor, Human Resource Development, at Rochester Institute of Technology
    Bonnie Cheuk, Senior Director, Head of Business and Digital Transformation at AstraZeneca.
    The keynote will be around topics such as Learning strategies in a world of Digital, Generative AI & Data. Title TBA.

    14:45 – 15:00 break

    15:00 – 16:45 Round-table 1

    16:45 – 16:55 break

    16:55 – 17:30 Open Mic on Teaching CNOW. 
    We invite you to share tips, tricks and good ideas on how to teach emerging technology phenoma. 
    Prepare a 3 min. presentation on new approaches.
    Register by sending an e-mail to one of the members in the organizing comittee.   

    17:30 – 19:15 Round-table 2

    19:15 – 19:30 closing


    The nature of work and organizing is changing with the deeper embedding of new digital technologies in the workplace. New emerging digital work practices and arrangements based on remote and hybrid work are now the new normal way of working in many organizations. Digitization is therefore transforming work but also changing and challenging core aspects of organisations such as employee connectedness, engagement and how meaning and identity are formed and reproduced in day-to-day work. These deep effects contribute to the emergence of new forms of organising based on open platforms of communication, collaboration, and exchanges - for example, the growing use of crowd-based work platforms where it becomes less relevant to which organizations individuals belong. Digital workplace platforms and ecosystems can thus support more dynamic and fluid work arrangements within and across organisations, and allow for more flexibility in terms of when, where, and how we work. The potential to leverage the opportunities from this new landscape of work in organisations to improve the lives of workers is enormous. At the same time, there is great potential to create a better society and more sustainable organisations. Yet, this changing nature of work also raises many concerns and unintended consequences (e.g., digital fatigue, impact on well-being, meaningless work with algorithmic management and the corrosion of privacy). We need therefore to consider the future digitization of workplace and organizing. This is the theme for this workshop where we would like to discuss new and current research that improves or challenges our understanding of these themes.

    At the workshop, a combination of short presentations and group discussions will be used to facilitate the exchange of ideas. The workshop is conducted as a virtual workshop, with the possibility of meeting in-person for those attending ICIS onsite.

    Potential topic areas include (but are not limited to):

    Emerging new patterns of work and organising 
    Digital working and workplace technologies
    Algorithmic management within work platform
    Digital infrastructures of work
     Modern workspace as a combination of physical and digital environments
    Changing spatial and temporal dimensions of work
    Work fragmentation and nomadic work practices
    New forms of virtual teamwork and virtualization of work
    New technology-enabled forms of employee participation and engagement
    The use of (generative) AI in shaping new work practices
    Gig economy and crowd-work
    Impact on professions and labour through digitization and automation
    Impact of the digital workplace on work-life balance and boundary management
    Creating more sustainable and resilient work arrangements in modern organisations
    Managing digital exhaust and privacy issues
    Workplace Datafication 

    This is the 13th CNoW workshop. It started out at ICIS in Milan in 2013 and has been held every year since. We are a growing community and in 2021 we joined AIS as a Special Interest Group - the Changing Nature of Work with ICT (SIGCNoW). You are invited to submit extended abstracts about your research (maximum 5 pages) related to the changing nature of work. Indicate whether this is a completed research project or research-in-progress. 

    Organizing Committee

    Mari-Klara Stein, TalTech,
    Joao Baptista, Lancaster University,
    Louise Harder Fischer, IT-University of Copenhagen,
    Liana Razmerita, Copenhagen Business School, 
    Bart van den Hooff, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 

    Best regards,


    Liana V. Razmerita

    Associate Professor, 

    Copenhagen Business School, Dalgas Have, Office 2V027

    Department of Management, Society and Communication

    Program Co-chair of the 13th International Workshop of the 'Changing Nature of Work: Digitizing For the Next Generation' at ICIS 2023 - registration opened. 

    Program track Chair for Changing Nature of Work with ICT at AMCIS 2024.

    Liana Razmerita
    Associate Professor
    Copenhagen Business School (CBS)