Communication, Digital Technology, and Organization CTO

Register now: Behind the Scenes of Highly Cited Organizational Ethnographies

  • 1.  Register now: Behind the Scenes of Highly Cited Organizational Ethnographies

    Posted 07-06-2022 13:04

    We are excited to invite you to the 5th iteration of this highly popular AOM PDW on ethnographic methods, where you have the opportunity to engage with and learn from seasoned scholars with tremendous experience in producing immersive and ethnographic organizational research. This PDW is for you if you are interested in immersive research methods; discussion is designed to be useful to both novice and experienced researchers.


    FORMAT: Hybrid Interactive: live in Seattle + virtual participation online

    DATE/TIME: Aug  5 2022, 9:00AM to 12:00PM (Pacific time, UTC-7)


    This year's PDW brings together the following illustrious scholars:

    • Beth Bechky, New York University
    • Kate Kellogg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Davide Nicoline, Warwick Business School
    • Jennifer Petriglieri, INSEAD
    • Michael Smets, University of Oxford


    The PDW will comprise three segments:

    1. 'Behind the Scenes' scoop: each panelist shares a backstage account of what went into producing a particular noted work. All are welcome to attend; if onsite room is filled with pre-registered participants, additional participants may join online for virtual participation.
    2. Audience Q & A with the panel: moderated discussion of audience questions (both in the room and online) on specific projects, strategies for addressing challenges in the field, writing/revision processes, and more. All are welcome; if onsite room is filled with pre-registered participants, additional participants may join online for virtual participation.
    3. Developmental discussion roundtables: Up to 20 individuals will be selected for an opportunity to engage in developmental discussion of a proposed or in-progress immersive or ethnographic research project. Those selected for the roundtables will get personalized feedback from a senior scholar and peers with similar interests or challenges during intimate, hour-long small group roundtable discussions (maximum 4 participants per roundtable). Roundtables will be conducted both in person and on zoom to accommodate both onsite and virtual participants.


    To participate in the PDW, please fill out the pre-registration form at


    To be considered for the developmental discussion roundtables, please submit a one-page project summary that includes the following: title of the study, 3 or 4 keywords that best describe the study, 1 or 2  paragraphs describing the research question, empirical context of the study, theoretical lenses (if any), and specific questions about your project that you would like feedback on (e.g., gaining access to the field, writing, theorizing, data analysis, etc.). Abstracts must be emailed to Leanne Hedberg ( by July 18. Selected participants will be mentor-matched with a panelist and notified no later than July 25.


    We are encouraged by the ever-growing interest in ethnographic work in organizations. This PDW is open to all AOM Annual Meeting attendees and always reaches maximum capacity quickly; please pre-register soon. Please note that completing the pre-registration form reserves a spot for you in the PDW but does not guarantee you a spot in a developmental roundtable discussion. Send questions regarding abstracts for roundtable consideration to Leanne Hedberg at For all other questions related to the PDW, please contact Celeste Diaz Ferraro at



    Celeste Diaz Ferraro, Leanne Hedberg, and Asma Zafar