Dear Colleagues,
How can leaders effectively address intricate organizational issues? To address this question, COB Organizational Wisdom Studio's third episode in its new series builds insights about Wisdom-Oriented Leadership, a form of leadership that combines skills from both left-brain and right-brain. The episode suggests a leadership approach that involves the four components of feeling like an intuitive scientist, thinking like a disruptive artist, acting like an organizational engineer, and reflecting like an ethical philosopher.
Sacramento State University Provost Carlos Nevarez provides extensive insights in a conversation with program co-hosts Elisabeth Nunziato and Dr. Hakan Ozcelik to explain each of these leadership components and how leaders can navigate among these components.
Wisdom Studio episodes, produced with support from the Provost's Office, intends to serve as a resource for employees, students, and greater society in their efforts to enhance their health, happiness, and performance. You are welcome to forward them to those who can benefit from them.
Link to Episode-3:
Best regards,
Hakan Ozcelik
California State Univ Sacramento
Sacramento CA