Communication, Digital Technology, and Organization CTO

Wisdom Studio's Well-Being Series – Episode-4: "Addressing Post-Pandemic Angst"

  • 1.  Wisdom Studio's Well-Being Series – Episode-4: "Addressing Post-Pandemic Angst"

    Posted 10-19-2023 22:37

    Dear Colleagues,<u1:p></u1:p>

    How can organizational leaders effectively address post-pandemic angst? COB Organizational Wisdom Studio's fourth episode addresses this question from the lens of Wisdom-Oriented Leadership, as it relates to its four components of feeling like an intuitive scientist, thinking like a disruptive artist, acting like an organizational engineer, and reflecting like an ethical philosopher. City of Roseville Deputy Manager Megan Scheid joins program co-hosts Ms. Elisabeth Nunziato and Dr. Hakan Ozcelik to explore post-pandemic angst, how pandemic brought out opportunities for employees to be real with each other, and emerging post-pandemic challenges to effectively on-board newly hired employees.<u1:p></u1:p>

    <u2:p></u2:p>Wisdom Studio episodes, produced with support from the Provost's Office at Sacramento State University, intends to serve as a resource for employees, students, and greater society in their efforts to enhance their health, happiness, and performance. You are welcome to forward them to those who can benefit from them.<u3:p></u3:p><u1:p></u1:p>

    Link to Episode-4:



    Hakan Ozcelik
    California State Univ Sacramento
    Sacramento CA