Hello everyone:
As per the past years, during the 2023 Annual Meeting CTO will run the Paper Development Workshop (Saturday at 5:30pm x1.5h). The workshop is designed for members whose AOM submission was rejected or whoever has a paper (not currently under review) and wants it to be workshopped by CTO mentors (for instance, because rejected at a journal or another conference).
Perspective participants should send me (marco@bentley.edu) an email of interest with a brief overview of the paper they want to discuss during the workshop (i.e., a cover letter), and the full paper. During the workshop there will be no formal presentations. I will organize small round tables (3 participants, 1 mentor) where the papers will be discussed. The participants will receive feedback to improve their work for future conference/journal submissions. The workshop's capacity is very limited (we keep it purposely small). I will accept participants on a first came first served basis, at the condition that the paper being submitted for consideration is related to the CTO community and is at a stage that will benefit from extensive feedback (e.g., extended abstracts are not accepted, we aim to workshop full papers). While I encourage perspective participants to submit their paper ASAP, the ultimate deadline to be considered for participation (if still room) is June 23.
Please address all questions to me.
Best wishes
Marco (CTO division chair)
Marco Marabelli
Bentley University
Waltham MA
(781) 891-2318