Organization Studies – Volume 44 Issue 12 (December 2023)
Deliberative Boundary Work for Sustainable Finance: Insights from a European Commission expert group
Stéphanie Giamporcaro, Jean-Pascal Gond, Céline Louche
Extending Meta-Organization Theory: A resource-flow perspective
Sanne Bor, Steve Cropper
Becoming Naturecultural: Rethinking sustainability for a more-than-human world
Seray Ergene, Marta B. Calás
Deferring Difference No More: An (im)modest, relational plea from/through Karen Barad
Kate Lockwood Harris, Karen Lee Ashcraft
Uncanny Organization and the Immanence of Crisis: The public sector, neoliberalism and Covid-19
Kevin Orr
The Right to Success: Paradoxical tensions between contested logics in a multi-sectoral collaboration to promote scientific excellence in Israel
Yael Ben David, Tammy Rubel-Lifschitz
Academic Voluntourism
Mark van der Giessen
Media Review
Media Review: Can Elite-Driven Social Change Save the World?
Myrto Chliova